Housing Code and Policies

University-supervised residence halls are provided for men and women students who are enrolled full-time. The following statement of policy is Delta State’s official position on residency. On-campus living provides living and learning experiences that enhance the total philosophy of higher education; therefore, Delta State University encourages students to live in University housing facilities. Students find living on campus an exciting educational experience. Student Housing supervises all residence halls and family housing. Each residence hall has a director who lives in and supervises the building and its residents.

Delta State University is a tobacco and alcohol-free campus, this includes all residence halls and family housing units.

Residency Policy

Full-time students who are under 21 years of age as of August 31 (for fall)/January 31 (for spring) and have completed fewer than 60 earned hours by the close of summer II are required to live on campus for two full academic years (4 four semesters) or until you have reached 21 years of age or earned a minimum of 60 earned hours.

Exceptions are authorized with proper documentation for married students, single parents, recent veterans, and for those students who live with a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and commute from a distance of no more than 30 miles.

Exemption requests must be submitted in writing to the University Services office. The written exemption request must include the reason for an exemption and proper documentation.  Students must submit their requests to the Program Manager for Housing Administration – housing@seezl.com.

Married students are required to submit a copy of their marriage license.  Students who are single parents are required to submit a copy of their child’s birth certificate.  Students living with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are required to submit the following from the parent/legal guardian – most recent utility bill AND most recent property tax document that provides their address and from the student – a copy of a state issued I.D. AND their most recent bank statement that provides their address.  If for any reason this documentation is found to be invalid, the student will be required to move on campus or will be responsible for the exemption fine.

Students who enroll and are found to be living off campus without an authorized exemption will be billed for each semester up to two full academic years (four semesters) of the housing fee.


  1. A non-refundable application fee of $75.00 is required for each resident of the residence hall.
  2. There is no key deposit. There will be $15.00 charge for each damaged key replacement. Students should not have Delta State keys duplicated. There will be a $25.00 charge for a lost key, and the lock will be replaced and new keys cut for the room.
  3. To transfer from one residence hall to another or from one room to another in the same hall, the student must visit Student Housing to begin the transferring process. Transferring will be allowed only at the beginning of each semester unless special permission is granted by the Student Housing. Failure to follow the proper transfer procedure will result in a charge to the student account.

General Living

  1. Residents are to turn off lights, appliances, and televisions when leaving their rooms for any length of time. However, hall and lobby lights are left on at night for safety reasons. Anything requiring electricity must be disconnected during holiday periods.
  2. All trash or waste should be deposited daily in appropriate trash containers in designated areas of each residence hall.
  3. Regular fire, safety, and room checks will be made in every residence hall to determine if all safety regulations and expected standards of cleanliness are being observed. Repeated violations of this code will result in disciplinary action.
  4. The residence halls are locked 24/7. The residents of all residence halls must use only combination/card access doors to enter or exit the residence halls. Other doors may be used only in case of emergency. Doors may not be propped open except during busy check-in and check-out days. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.
  5. All thefts, damage to property, etc. should be reported immediately to the resident assistant, residence hall director, and Delta State Police Department. The University is not liable for loss of or damage to any or all student property.
  6. Students must remove all personal belongings from the residence hall rooms upon check-out. Housing is not responsible for theft, damage, security of, or storage of personal belongings. This is part of the proper check-out procedure.

Room Condition/Damages

  1. Residents of the Delta State residence halls are allowed to personalize their rooms using the following guidelines and with the approval of the Program Manager for Housing Administration. Housing reserves the right to restrict a resident’s use of this policy in certain areas or buildings when necessary.
    1. Students will not be allowed to apply wallpaper to walls or any permanent material to the residence hall walls without prior approval from the Program Manager for Housing Administration.
    2. Carpet may be used in the residence hall rooms as long as it is not permanently attached to the floor. Do not use any tape.
    3. Small chests, chairs, lamps, etc. may be added to the room, but any other furniture must be approved by the Program Manager for Housing Administration prior to moving any other furnishings into the residence hall.
    4. No lofts or permanently attached furnishings may be added to the existing residence hall rooms, and no alterations to the existing room may be done without the prior approval of the Program Manager for Housing Administration.
    5. All tape, tacks, nails, and adhesive material used to hold pictures, posters, etc. on the walls must be removed before the “check-out” process is complete. Charges will be made for wall damage due to tape, tacks, nails, and other adhesive materials.
    6. Any violation of the above policy may result in the appropriate disciplinary actions as well as charges for room or property damage.
  1. Students are responsible for damaging or mutilating property or equipment in any building (inside the rooms or in lobby areas) whether accidental or intentional and will be assessed for those damages. The assigned occupants of a residence hall room are financially responsible for all property that is a part of that room.
  2. Residents must be checked in and checked out by a member of the housing staff and are held accountable for any damage that occurs while living there. Students will receive a room condition report (RCR) via their okramail. Students will have 24 hours to reply to the RCR email to indicate if any changes need to be made. If Student Housing does not receive a reply, this will verify the acceptance of the documented condition of the room property. Residents must make an appointment for check-out with the resident assistant or hall director at least 24 hours in advance.
  3. Residents will be charged for if the proper check-in or check-out procedure is not followed. Student housing charges are based on the dates provided on the check-in/check-out sheet. Dates are based upon occupancy. Officially checking in and/or leaving personal belongings in a room without officially checking-out constitutes occupancy.


  1. Members of the opposite sex will be allowed to visit in the rooms only during visitation. Visitors may visit in the residence hall lobby from 12:00 noon to 1:00 a.m. unless otherwise posted.
  2. Students may have an overnight guest of their own sex in their residence hall rooms only after registration with the director of that residence hall. However, the housing office discourages overnight guest during week nights – Sunday through Thursday. Guest will be subject to the same code of conduct expected of the student host or hostess and must be registered with the residence hall director. No guest under 12 years old is permitted. No guest is allowed during holiday or interim periods. Students will be charged if the guests are not properly registered at the daily rate of their assigned residence hall on a per night basis. All of this includes students from one residence hall visiting in another residence hall.

Permissions and Prohibitions

  1. Pets and other animals are not permitted in residence halls.
  2. Halogen lights are not permitted.
  3. Cooking appliances are limited to microwaves, refrigerators, and coffee makers. These must be closely supervised by the user. After one violation, all privileges will be revoked.
  4. Students are not allowed on the roof of any residence hall.
  5. Bicycles are not permitted in the residence hall. Bicycle racks are provided outside.
  6. Candles and incense are not to be burned anywhere in the residence halls or the family housing apartments.
  7. Babysitting is not allowed in the residence halls.
  8. Sales and solicitors are prohibited in residence halls. Students are advised to report unauthorized salesmen to the Office of University Services. All signs of advertisement must be approved by the Program Managers for Student Housing.
  9. Students are not to engage in conversation in or out of windows or make unnecessary noise in the residence hall.
  10. Students will not be permitted to remove any furniture from their rooms or move furniture from one room to another. Lobby and study room furnishings (including cushions) are not to be moved into a student’s room.
  11. Students found guilty of tampering with residence hall fire detection systems will be suspended from the residence hall.